Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fried Chicken

I now know how fried chicken feels, if it could feel that is.
Last night at work I was changing the oil in the fryer and I caught my arm on a greasy pipe. It was hot. My arm turned a really cool shade of red. Of course, this was at the beginning of my shift. Woohoo.
But as the night went on my arm kept on burning, it felt like my skin was sizzling. Gross-tastic.
So now today my skin is bubbling up and actually looks like it has been fried. It makes me want to puke a little.
The end.


Melanie said...

Hmmmm....maybe you should get that looked at? It sounds pretty serious. Poor Ruthie!! Take care of one else will.

nomi said...

Oh, Ruthie! Bubbly, crusty skin never looked (or felt) good on you. I do hope you are healing. Are you still working?