Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cracky Elbows

Once again, personal hygiene has failed the 20-something year olds. Why is it that my generation is so inept when it comes to taking care of themselves, particularly when it comes the those pesky little elbows. It’s a simple thing, really. When you are in the shower, take that washcloth, mitten, loofah, or whatever you scrub yourself with (hopefully you scrub), and have a hayday with those elbows. I wouldn’t normally recommend doing this every day, but for most of my peers with crust-laden elbows, today I will insist on using some good old fashioned elbow grease and make your… elbows smooth. Then, when you are dried off, put some lotion on your elbows. Yes it is the desert, but that’s why science has brought us the miracle of LOTION. No one wants to wonder whether or not your skin is going to fall off in large chunks and maim them. Believe me.


nomi said...

Did you know if you click on the picture, you get a screen shot of just the Aveeno? How nice! You can print it out and take it along to the store with you so you won't forget! Soothing!

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

You need to have a heart-to-heart with your dear old brother Chip, he needs to hear this tid bit of information.