Thursday, February 12, 2009


I always thought, or maybe never gave it a thought, that there would be a day that I would be able to really successfully dress myself. Apparently I haven't reached that age just yet. For the past... 3ish years I have worn socks as little as possible. I'm not sure why I suddenly didn't like wearing socks. It might have something to do with the shoes I wear. Probably. Anyway, the past few months I have worn socks off and on, mostly because it's cold, and blah blah. But, my socks rarely ever match. And not in a cute, aww, how mismatched, way. It's more like, can't you see that those two socks are just completely incompatible. Yes, they both go on your feet, but one is a little footie type thing and the other one, well, it's a knee sock. How embarrassing. But. My "sock and things" drawer never seems to have a real PAIR of socks in it. Ever. Okay, maybe twice in a while (that's a little more that once in a while). Maybe the trick is to fold my socks together before I put them in the drawer... Hmm, schmeh schmeh meh.


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

I love how you mis-match.
It's in style right now.
Chip told me that there is this website that sell sets of 3 socks... none of which match. (you'd have to ask him for the site)

Hey.. what's your new address??

Rosalina said...

I make it a point to not match my socks. And I have a pair of those socks that come in threes. They're called little mis-matched I believe. Ashleigh's mommy bought them for me at FAO Schwartz