Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I took a break from homework today and hid in my room, actually to do other homework, but whatever. Anyway, my roommate was asleep and the lights were off. I got distracted and started taking pictures of myself... And I'm okay with that. Also, I've decided that my eyebrows are very photogenic.

Here is a taste of my late afternoon experience. It probably would have been good had I done my homework instead, but this was much more fun. As usual.

That being said, I found a page full of EYEBROW templates! Who knew that would be out there?


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

I vote that you do your eyebrows #22! HOT MAMA!!

You didn't call on Sunday. We cried ourselves to sleep.

Melanie said...

I love that you're so random! I say you quit school immediately and persue your future as an eyebrow model!

Having said that, in all seriousness...the picture of you in the top right is BY FAR one of your best pictures EVER. You look stunning...model quality!