Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cat Lady

I'm not a cat lady. Promise. I talk to people. I do stuff, sometimes. Besides you would like your cat too if she:
  • liked Taco Bell as much as you do
  • napped with you
  • slept in your armpit
  • and her favorite toy was a straw.
  • or if she was this cute.
Realizing that some of my dear loving family members think that I may have hermitized myself, I will confess, it has happened a little bit. But that's just because I have been so swamped with art work. I am buried in art assignments, not cat hair. REALLY!

And here is something I have been meaning to say:

I promise to get married someday. I promise to not avoid men (after this summer). I promise to have as much fun as I can. I promise to give my parents grandchildren. I promise to not be the Cat Lady of the family. We don't need any of those. We have enough special quirks. Anyway, I still like guys, I still shower, I still wear SOME makeup. I even did my hair today.


I promise to get married some day.

Ruthie K.
(This picture was just funny...)

1 comment:

browneyedgirl said...

Oh Ruthie, how wonderful! Yes, good news to all!