Saturday, April 9, 2011

Road Trippin'

My life would not be complete without change. And I'm not talkin' I finally did my eyebrows this month." I mean moving across the country change. Granted, this time I am moving back to something I know and love, but, I have never moved via ROAD TRIP! Exciting!

One of my dear sister
-in-laws, Breezi the Great, is coming out here in a few weeks to drive with me! It's going to be so much stinking fun! And stinking is just an expression, we won't actually stink too badly.
Louise might though. She has been known to toot... She will be given a mild sedative that I will obtain gratefully from my veterinarian, who is coincidentally the nicest vet I have ever met.

ANYWAY, adventures and pictures and stories will be had, taken, and told! Get excited!

1 comment:

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

AHHHHHH ahahahahaha... We're going to rock the socks off of the WORLD!!!

(Do I need to bring my GPS?)