Saturday, April 2, 2011

On Food

Instead of doing a shoot on domestic violence, my sweet mother helped me with a happier subject. FOOD.

I love food, especially bread. I love to eat it. I love to touch it (odd). I love to smell it. I love to make it.

Tonight I made naan bread, and it was simply delicious. And now dear friends and family, if you would be so kind as to look at these pictures and help me pick out which should go into my series, it would be much appreciated. And if you live nearby, you are welcome to come and help me eat it. There is a lot of bread left over!


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

Naan!!! Every general conference is hummus and naan time. I'm making naan in the morning. Yummo.

I love all of your photography that you've been doing! You're very talented, Ruthie boo.


Andi said...

Those look awesome! You should post the recipe. I like photos 1 and 4 the best, but they're all pretty great. :)