Friday, April 22, 2011


I have decided that I love photography. It's taken over my blog basically. So, in order to not overwhelm this blog with pictures, I started a new blog just for my pictures! Yay pictures! Plus, I am going to try to make it work as a possible side job. Yay money! Because I have no money! Yay broke! No... that's wrong. Boo broke...

Anyway, here is a link to my photography blog. Don't judge me because I don't have anything up yet. But I promise to take lots of pictures and post the really good ones. You don't have to vote on anything on that site. :)


I am moving. Across the country. With my sister-in-law (I still can't wrap my head around that word, it sounds so impersonal). And my cat. In my car that has no cruise control and a bum of a CD player and my iPod set up (I will take a picture). With most of my earthly belongings jammed between the seats and every nook and cranny. Well, not the front seats. Comfort is essential. This is one pile of my stuff. I have more to pack. 

There will always be room for rolos though.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Thank you for your input/opinions! These are the photos that (I think) I am going to hand in tomorrow!

Circle Circle Dot Dot

Now I got my cootie shot! Okay, so I've had it for a while now. I'm safe. Cootie free.
Since I am cootie free, I wandered around taking pictures today for my photography class final. It was seriously pouring. I got pretty wet. In fact, I am still wet.
For this project I am working on a series of at least 5 pictures, and my theme is circles. Which ones do you like the most?

My final is tomorrow and boy am I excited for this semester to end!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

On Applesauce

Applesauce is a wonderful food. In fact, apples in general are terrific. I love them. When my mother was pregnant with me, something made it so that she couldn't eat raw apples anymore. It was most likely that no two people in the same family/body (odd) could like them that much at the same time. So I won. Sorry Mom.

Unfortunately, I did not win tonight. A few days ago, I opened a jar of applesauce. I ate some of it. As I was in the middle of my all work no sleep (except at inappropriate times of the day) week, I forgot to put the applesauce in the refrigerator.

Tonight I got hungry, as most people do. I am moving across the country in a few short weeks and I have been trying my very hardest not to buy more food. I spotted the jar of applesauce, I downed a big glug. It was delicious, and a little bit different tasting than usual. I didn't care. It was applesauce, and I was hungry. I thought it was a good solution to my problems. My insides beg to differ.

Never have I regretted eating applesauce so much in my life. Let's just say these aren't hunger pains that I am feeling. Quite the opposite.

The moral of this story: Always refrigerate your applesauce, and keep air freshener handy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cat Lady

I'm not a cat lady. Promise. I talk to people. I do stuff, sometimes. Besides you would like your cat too if she:
  • liked Taco Bell as much as you do
  • napped with you
  • slept in your armpit
  • and her favorite toy was a straw.
  • or if she was this cute.
Realizing that some of my dear loving family members think that I may have hermitized myself, I will confess, it has happened a little bit. But that's just because I have been so swamped with art work. I am buried in art assignments, not cat hair. REALLY!

And here is something I have been meaning to say:

I promise to get married someday. I promise to not avoid men (after this summer). I promise to have as much fun as I can. I promise to give my parents grandchildren. I promise to not be the Cat Lady of the family. We don't need any of those. We have enough special quirks. Anyway, I still like guys, I still shower, I still wear SOME makeup. I even did my hair today.


I promise to get married some day.

Ruthie K.
(This picture was just funny...)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Owl Takes a Bubble Bath

I just thought this was too funny not to post. I really like the progression of the pictures. :)

Owl Has Quite A Day

Owl is a very busy owl. Look at all the things Owl did today! Which pictures of Owl do you like the most? (Owl was a fabulous DI find. Lucky. I know.