Sunday, November 21, 2010

In Case You Haven't Heard

I am going back to school in January. It's official. I told my boss I am leaving. I have a plane ticket, a place to live, classes scheduled, and my first (and last) student loan all prepped and ready.

I love it here, and while I wish that I wasn't leaving much of the time, I know that I need to go now. I am going back with a firm resolve to get in and get out as quickly as I possibly can. And I am going to enjoy every minute of it.

1 comment:

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

I'm super excited for you! Hurry up and finish school- then you can be my nanny. I know... I know... just what you've always wanted.

(But wait... I'll sweeten the deal: when Telesaur makes it big, I'll even be able to pay you. :D)