Thursday, April 29, 2010

Since I've Been Home

Alright, I am home and pretty happy to be here!
Since I have been home I have been trying new things. I started running, and discovered the purpose for wearing running shoes at my feet and shins' expense. Lesson learned. (Socks may be a smart idea as well...) Yesterday as I was squatting to catch my out of shape breathe, an older man stopped in his car to ask me if I was alright! I must have looked pretty bad if people are stopping to ask if I am alright. I was okay, just exercising. Maybe I will have to run in the mornings when people are less friendly.
I got out a bike, which is a huge step for me. Now I just have to hunt down the bike pump. Bikes are a little scary for me. I generally just fall off of them. I used to be able to ride one. But you know what, everyone who says that once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget, has obviously never met me! However, I am determined! You can't participate in only 2 events in a triathlon for goodness sake... Hopefully I won't die before I get to become a triath-athlete! Can I hear a "hey-oh?!"
Now I just need to brush up on my swimming. A swimsuit would probably be a good idea to get though. No one honestly needs to see me splashing around in my skibbies!
And on the agenda for today is sewing! So much fabric, so little time!
Anyway, I'm really enjoying spending time with my dad and the cat. It's really entertaining to watch those two wrestle. Haha! It's really funny!