Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Today, my hair has decided to express itself. It's big. Okay, big for my hair. I'm just feeling nostalgic for those good old "good" hair days. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved my hair after I chopped it all off. It's the growing out stage that I hate. And that's where I am now. At least my mullet is gone. Hopefully by the end of the summer my hair will be back to this. I liked this hair do. But I'll skip the bangs this time.

And yes, this is my natural hair color. Thank goodness for summer.

1 comment:

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

I did like your hair that way.... :D

But I liked it better when it said "thank you for the country music awards". If you let me style it like that, I'll let you paint my house peptol bismol pink.