Monday, December 15, 2008

Nearly Home

In a few days, I will be home. Come to me, Sanity. I am 100% looking forward to being with my family. I miss my family when I'm not close to them. I didn't used to think it would be so important to me, but my family is amazing. They are the coolest people I know. Seriously. It runs in the family. We're cool. Yes, they might think that I'm ridiculous most of the time, but, that is probably because it is true. As crazy as things get around home, these folks keep me grounded. Wooh!
And thank goodness for my parents. They wrangle me in. I miss family hugs. My family wasn't terribly touchy when I was growing up, but, when I went home over the summer, I squeezed everyone a lot. I plan on doing that again. I need all the hugs I can get.
I get some hugs here, but I usually end up getting a shoulder in my eye or an armpit in my face. I don't feel the love. I feel the awkward.
I'm also excited to laugh with my family. I always laugh until it hurts. Plus, I can be my nerd self and not be judged, because they all know that I'm a huge nerd already. Yay for family!

This post is incoherent. Mostly because I'm just thinking and typing at the same time and not studying for finals or working on my project... uh... I'll do that.


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

I love that I can be a nerd with you :o)

Family is the best. This family is the bestest-ever!!

I'd give you a nice arm-pit squeeze that I know that you'd feel the love!

Melanie said...

I think your nerdyness is AWESOME. Family is the bestest of best...especially when you're lonely and need a "real" hug.
Enjoy your family time!
By the way...I AM really going to PA...I have the tickets to prove it. Maybe you can come home when I'm there? I'd love to get reacquainted...and know the Ruthie NOW, rather than remember the little shy & quiet Ruthie I knew W-A-Y back then!

Ruthie K said...

Ah! You're coming to PA!!!! Ah!!! That's so exciting!!! When are you coming? Is your whole adorable family coming too? Bah! How fun!